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Dried Corn cob & Ground Corn cob for feed (Maize cobs)
The yellow corn gluten meal animal feed is mainly used in the breeding of animals, it can be used in the raising of domestic pets, and it can also be used in the raising of animals in the farm. It can be used to raise cattle, sheep, fish, shrimp, etc.
- Nutritional value: Maize cobs, although less nutritious than whole maize, contain essential components of an animal’s diet. They typically contain 2%~4% protein, 9%~12% crude fiber and 70%~75% carbohydrates, providing energy and roughage for animals. In addition, they serve as a source of micronutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, contributing to the overall health of the animal.
- Animal Suitability: Corn cobs are well suited for feeding certain animals such as cattle, pigs and poultry because of their nutrient content. However, suitability of corn cob feed for other animals, such as birds or fish, may be limited.
- Market Demand: The demand for maize cobs as an ingredient in the animal feed industry is increasing and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 5% over the next 5 years, indicating its viability as a feed raw material.
- Processing and handling: Maize kernels are processed and handled appropriately to improve their digestibility and nutrient utilisation. This feed manufacturing process include crushing, batching, mixing, compression and other processing steps.
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